Mind Body Therapies - Testimonials

A deep explorative journey was taken. held beautifully by a Hannah. as she guides, supports and nourishes you on your journey back to self. To the person you were born to be. I felt totally safe & free to express. Thank you for helping and facilitating me to comeback to me.

- S. London

Hannah has such a depth of knowledge of the body and how the mind and emotions affect the body. She took me literally on a journey into my emotional past while oh so gently, yet powerfully, stretching and opening every muscle in the complex pelvic area. There were several deep emotional releases and a feeling of finally getting to exactly the right joints and muscles that needed opening.

Already, after only one treatment there is a real shift. This problem has been with me probably since birth and so may have many layers. I therefore look forward to more sessions with Hannah to truly resolve it. She took me deeper than any other has ever done.

- Douglas Crawford, ACIM Teacher & Rebirth Therapist.

I struggle to find the words to express just how much value you have brought to my life, Hannah Mae! You are my 'dream therapist' incarnate. I've just been constantly in awe of your ability to pull the right words and tools out of your hat at any given moment throughout our time working together. You have an uncanny ability to know what's needed in any situation. You have literally been the hand at my back through the early years of my mothering journey, and I can't thank you enough for the depth of your seeing, your way of reflecting, and for your vast range of supportive techniques that you employed in service to whatever situation was arising. I have felt so met, so held, so seen, so safe, so empowered, so expertly guided. I bow in deep acknowledgement of you and really honour your capacity for walking alongside others in the skilful way that you do. Thank you so much.

- C.C.B.

I came to Hannah on the recommendation of a dear friend. Cumulative severe work stress and juggling the demands of family life had finally won and I felt on the edge of a cross road with my mind, body and soul which were out of synch! My immune system was attacking my body and I just knew that I needed help to find my instinct and way out of this dark place.

When I first saw Hannah I knew that she could help me and I felt in the best possible hands. She has helped build up my self esteem and self belief through helping me to revisit difficult aspects of my childhood! By delving deep and exploring the colours of my shadow I have gained a lot of clarity and inner peace. The work we have done is based on trust and enabled me to identify where certain critical inner voices originated from and bring them to my consciousness! The primal scream that I let out released a lot of anger which I had repressed for years, feeding a negative and unhelpful victim dynamic which I am now aware of and have since been able to stop! As a result I have become more assertive and unwilling to take the victim position!

Through gentle meditations and breath work I have gone on some incredible inner journeys to find the tools I've needed to calm my stresses and develop a stronger voice and instinct. I have loved Hannah's nurturing, empathetic and strong therapeutic approach.

I am now feeling well and strong enough to move forward positively in a new exciting direction and know that I have a strong tool box to take with me! Thank you beautiful Hannah for walking with me in the darkness but also the light.

- C. B

I arrived for my re-birthing session full of resistance. I was shown into a beautiful, restful , peaceful room and felt immediately welcomed, cared for and “held”. I went into some deep places within myself during the session and was shown how deeply my birth and pre-birth experiences had influenced my life; a theory I had never really believed in.

Hannah was truly remarkable in holding that place for me, emotionally, spiritually and physically, allowing me to find myself anew, releasing long held physical tensions in my body and feelings which nothing else had managed to do previously. It’s a place which, in its; totality I can revisit in my mind and body to find instant release if the fears and tensions try to return…the loving holding, the peaceful physicality of the room and Hannah’s strong , loving containment.

I would highly recommend her work to anyone seeking release from long held tensions and resistances as I look forward to the unfolding of a life lived from a new perspective.

- A.T. Voice Coach