Birth Work Testimonials

I read about Hannah and thought the body work along with the emotional support might help me. Whilst this kind of work was very much outside my comfort zone, something needed to change.

Hannah was amazing and met me where I was at, not pushing anything, but slowly slowly helping me work through both the physical trauma and emotional trauma. Slowly realising physical tension helping me access emotions I didn’t even know I was holding. I am 100% sure I wouldn’t be where I am now without Hannah’s care and support.

- E.S.

The healing process helped me reconnect with my daughter and feel the first love that I lacked, that I should feel during her birth but I couldn’t because I didn’t have opportunity to spend first hours with my daughter. I am so thankful for the journey of birth trauma healing process, I am enjoying being a mother, I feel deep love for my daughter and I am not angry anymore with the doctors, they took away from me the most important moment with ma daughter, but there is so much more we are creating right now. Thank you Hannah for helping me to go through this process, you are the most kind and compassionate person that I had pleasure to work with.

- Monika

I just wanted to say thank you for creating such a safe space for us to explore my emotions/ behaviours. It often takes me a long time to trust people, but immediately felt comfortable opening up with you. The fact you have been able to do this over Zoom in such tricky circumstances is amazing!

C.C. Ringmer ongoing emotional health therapy.


You’ve got a real gift Hannah, I wouldn’t do this with anybody else, what you provide in ways of safety and the environment for people to be able to process their work is really special, thank you.

- R.S

Thank you so much Hannah. You've been such a massive part of my journey this past year. It's been such a blessing to have met you and to have been guided by you in moments when I've so needed it.

- B.W.


Closing of the Bones with Hannah was a sumptuous, nurturing and uplifting experience. I felt very at peace in the beautiful little yurt in Hannah’s garden and the space felt special and ceremonial which enhanced the experience for me. I found recounting my birth story to Hannah, and the way she responded to what I shared to be so helpful. Relieved is the word that comes to mind. Like I could lay down a load I’d been carrying. I think I actually fell asleep while being wrapped but the feeling of being unwrappped felt like being reborn!

I let the beautiful womb-like space feeling lighter, more settled in myself, and tender in my heart. Happier. The chocolate and flowers at the end were such a lovely touch as well. A beautiful experience that I hope that every mother gets to exorcise at some point.

- Anonymous


Following our session, my right hand side has been so much better- I feel like we have chased it out of that bit of my body, I really cant believe the difference in my hip and ovary area! Charlotte C

Looking back over the past year, now my daughter is on the verge of turning one, I can honestly say that (apart from meeting my daughter) the stand out moment for me was meeting Hannah.

As I have told her in the past she is a mother to mothers; she meets us at our most vulnerable and leads us to our strength.

It’s not only Hannah’s skill as a Doula that makes her standout but her abilities as a healer and spiritual light. Hannah is a gifted healer and she selflessly gives of herself to help others on their journey. She is able to communicate deep truths in gentleness and it’s this gentleness and love that allows the recipient to truly hear the universe speaking through her. I have been lucky enough experience Hannah’s talents as both a Doula and healer - I have experienced her hold a safe space for mothers to talk openly and support each other at the mumas circle as well as create a profound healing space during a closing of the bones ceremony.

The preparation I went though with Hannah leading up to the birth of my daughter and the support I received afterwards were priceless. She has taught me so much which I will carry with me for the rest of my life; lessons I hope to pass to my children. I can genuinely say that meeting and working with Hannah has greatly improved my life, I have gained in strength, courage and clarity and I will be forever grateful.

Whatever you need is within you and this wonderful lady can help you uncover your inner goddess!

- K. P.


My thoughts and thanks is no reflection on how much I got from the Closing Bones Birth Reflection ceremony:

I'm so glad we came to you when we did. I found the ceremony very moving and it helped click some puzzle pieces into place. It made me realise that being a mother is a new path but that I am not a new person - I bring with me all my previous experiences and understanding and can call on strength and confidence. I had before, in different manifestations, to support me as a mother. This felt very profound and symbolic. I released a lot of pain that day and that process has continued. Your presence was so calming and nourishing, and I am so grateful that you were able to hold space for the big emotions I experienced with such sensitivity and compassion, without judgement. It was very freeing, and the wrapping part of the ceremony really mirrored in a physical way that sense of being held by you and your words. The sensation of whole body release when the wraps were removed was probably the most gooey and soft I'd felt

since pre-pregnancy, gentle aliveness throughout my body. After, In a reflections meeting with a midwife, I went over some of the more technical details we covered, which helped to complete the picture of resolving the questions I had. Because of my time with you I felt validated that my trauma about the cord-cutting was genuine, and felt articulate in explaining this to the midwife. All in all I am extremely grateful to you for welcoming us, for listening so deeply to me and for doing the work you do. The Birth House and your ability to provides such invaluable resources for women.

My sincere thanks

- S.B.

You are amazing. Thank you so so much for our session yesterday. We really feel so much more prepared for baby's birthday and that we now have the tools necessary to feel confident in the journey. We've been getting practise in already. I truly value your work and am so so grateful for our meeting.



Conception was not a simple ride for me. I was filled with resentment, fear and exhaustion by the time I got to Hannah Mae. She very gently and powerfully filled me back up, reconnecting me with my innate wisdom and resources and helped me overcome a long fertility journey, a difficult birth and mothering in Covid. I returned to her for more help when I decided to try again, She is mother, wisdom workerand powerful healer. There'sno one like her and I recommend her to every woman I meet.

- E.B.

I have been attending the muma baby tribe meetings for about a year. I started attending the gatherings in the yurt in the beautiful rural surroundings of Iford when I was about 5 month pregnant. My daughter (and I) recently “graduated” from tribe when she was 8 month old. We heard about the muma baby tribe meetings by chance and I wasn’t really sure what to expect. I am so very glad we gave it a try. The weekly tribe meetings have been a stable anchor throughout pregnancy and early motherhood. The tribe and Hannah were always there to hold me and baby in this special time. It offered the experience, wisdom, but also the shared vulnerability of many very special women. I met amazing women during my time with the tribe and made very dear friends. I learned so much by just listening to other mums and having Hannah offering reflections with so much wisdom and gentleness. The weekly gatherings enabled me to make space to experience pregnancy and early motherhood more conscious; I made time to listen inside me and to acknowledged all the ongoing changes in my life. I am truly grateful to have spend many Wednesday mornings in the warmth of the yurt in Iford.

- Doris