silhouette of a man and a boy on the seashoresilhouette of a man and a boy on the seashore
What we live through and experience in our life has a profound impact on our journey through pregnancy, birthing and into motherhood. Unwelcome events, losses and held fears can deeply affect our relationship with ourselves, our bodies, and our loved ones. Through this process of birth reflection and preparation, you can navigate and heal embodied wounds, fears, disconnection, and emotional scars to then build your sense of connection and worth. Gain deeper understanding in a safe place where you can talk, learn and release and become empowered to move forward with self compassion, acceptance and a return to your innate loving connection. Read more.


From Fertility to Parenthood

ENGAGE WITH YOUR INNATE QUALITIES AND EMBRACE PARENTHOOD AS A RITE OF PASSAGE. Men and non-birthing partners often struggle to navigate the challenges of becoming a parent due to a lack of education, cultural stereotyping or not feeling prepared inwardly for parenting. This struggle is too often endured silently, causing us to 'push on' regardless. You want to feel happy, yet so many unexpected issues can arise during pregnancy and early parenthood. When these challenges are properly addressed, they become opportunities for growth. Through inner process work and reflection, you can confront your fears, resistance, grief, anger, shame, resentment or any sense of overwhelm, jealousy or inadequacy, and replace them with anticipation and joy. By building a sense of inner connection and empowerment, and by developing your practical knowledge you can feel better equipped and embrace the road ahead. Read More.



"The preparation I went though with Hannah leading up to the birth of my daughter and the support I received afterwards were priceless. She has taught me so much which I will carry with me for the rest of my life; lessons I hope to pass to my children. I can genuinely say that meeting and working with Hannah has greatly improved my life, I have gained in strength, courage and clarity and I will be forever grateful. Whatever you need is within you and this wonderful lady can help you uncover your inner goddess! " -K.P.

Conception was not a simple ride for me. I was filled with resentment, fear and exhaustion by the time I got to Hannah Mae. She very gently and powerfully filled me back up, reconnecting me with my innate wisdom and resources and helped me overcome a long fertility journey, a difficult birth and mothering in Covid. I returned to her for more help when I decided to try again, She is mother, wisdom worker and powerful healer. There's no one like her and I recommend her to every woman I meet. - E.B.


Many clients wish to do ongoing work to move through long held issues, prepare for birth, recover from a previous birth or loss and face issues that arise for mothers and fathers to be. I will support you to develop inwardly and with self direction in body, mind and soul. The connection to self and your baby's soul deepens as self worth increases. There is no silver bullet, and commitment to recovery, preparation or inner change is a big part of achieving the outcome desired, but what we lay to rest we do not pass on and the rewards make the world of difference.

Once able to recognise the accumulated effects of recent or long ago events, we can more easily face emotions and find supportive ways to reframe, release and move forward. We work on feelings of fear, regret, grief, depression and anger to make space for more creative love based states. Inner healing involves mind, body and soul and is wholly individual. I work adaptively and sessions are individually tailored to meet you where you are, emotionally, physically and on a soul/spirit level to best meet you and your objectives session by session.


  • CONCEPTION & BIRTH PREPARATION Psycho-Emotional Soul and Body work, facing blocks, fears and inherited dynamics to find deeper connection to welcome birth and parenthood.

  • BIRTH STORY HEALING SESSIONS releasing held issues related to birth experience struggles with motherhood.

  • CLOSING THE BONES CEREMONY to ‘close the body’ in order to complete and honour the cycle of birth.

  • MIND BODY THERAPY facing negative mindsets, stuck beliefs and conditioning from the past to shift held patterns and blocks for a more balanced inner alignment (see above)

  • SOUL JOURNEY WORK navigating unwanted pregnancy, elective and essential pregnancy release.

  • HYPERTONIC PELVIC MUSCLE RELEASE releasing built up tensions in the pelvis and body to prepare for birth. Three sessions before birth and three post birth is optimum.

  • ESSENCE BREATH WORK (like Source Breath Work) deep breathing to liberate from held physical and emotional tensions in the body to release and return to greater connection with our inner truth and self.

  • MAN - TO - FATHER WORK Facing and moving through issues that arise on the pathway to fatherhood so you can bring your gifts without burying the effects of challenges. This is highly individual work with common themes.

  • FAMILY DYNAMICS SHADOW WORK® Overcoming limiting mind sets, behaviours and inner/outer relational dynamics that keep us from the way we want to experience life, birth, parenthood and ourselves. Developing boundaries, tending to grief, facing fears and inhibiting mindsets, becoming truly connected to self and inner power, fostering true self worth.

  • AMNANDA® CURE A year's course of 12 gentle yet profound trauma release treatments to support major life transitions.

silhouette of a man and a boy on the seashore
silhouette of a man and a boy on the seashore

Birth Therapy - From Fertility to Parenthood